Schumann’s Swiss Journey in 1829
31st August 1829 - Berne
![Statue of St Christopher [head]](tl_files/img/RobertSchumannSchweizreise1829/bern1.jpg)
[Monday, 31st August – staying in Berne – walking about the streets – the Minster (3) – ascent – the Halls – the Church of the Holy Ghost and the French Church insignificant – gimmicks* of the Bernese bears (6) – the large [statue of] Christophel [sic] (1) [in the Christoffelturm tower], commonly known as Goliath and the little David – piano playing in the Halls (4) – praise and the girls – the rustic Germans at the table d’hôte – Gruner on R. Wyss – letter to mother (see attachment) – peeping out through the window – rising sky – walk through narrow alleys to the [Minster] Platform (5) – beautiful girls – beer house à la Kaltenborn and the Swiss Swiss [?] – with Gruner in Köniz [near Berne] – marvelous panorama – delight – then quick dinner at the Hotel -]

* At the time, the famous Berne bear pit was located near the present-day railway station. It was closed in 1857 and moved to the right bank of the River Aaare near the Nydegg Bridge (picture to the right), the place of the modern bear enclosure.

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