Fortepiano by Matthäus Andreas Stein (1776–1842), Vienna, around 1825

According to a diary entry, Friedrich Wieck hat ordered this piano from Andreas Stein in Vienna, and Clara played on it at her first public appearance at the Leipzig Gewandhaus concert hall on 20th October 1828. Clara presumably sold this piano a few years later to the Focke family in Leipzig. Once owned by the music collector and composer Josef Liebeskind, a descendant of the above family, the instrument ended up in Zwickau in 1911 and is nowadays part of the furnishings of the so-called memorial room at the Robert Schumann House there. This fortepiano had remained silent for decades before it was thoroughly restored in 1995/96 by Robert A. Brown and made playable again. The inauguration took place within the context of a festival on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Clara Schumann. In the meantime, several CD recordings have appeared on which the particularly beautiful sound of the instrument can be admired.
(J.M.N., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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