Image and sound carriers
You can access the collection of the “German Music Archive of Berlin” via the online catalogue of where you can search for special recordings of Schumann’s works,or for all available recordings by entering “Schumann, Robert”.
The “German Music Archive of Berlin” undertakes the central collection of scores/sheet music and sound carriers and serves as the music bibliography information centre of Germany. Founded in 1970 and incorporated as a department into Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main [German Library of Frankfurt am Main], it continues the activities of Deutsche Musik-Phonothek [German Sound Archive] (1961-69). The online catalogue encompasses the stock of the German Music Archive of Berlin as from 1976 with full bibliographic details.
Another search option for available sound and image recordings is or, more extensive for the area of classical music, It is certainly always worth comparing prices for sound carriers as per the offers fromdifferent online mail order companies (e.g., ), although for these, postage needs to be added. A meta search for the sales portfolios of the most important sound carrier businesses and scores/sheet music shops leads to the Musikbranchenbuch [Music Business Directory]
A separate database presents “SammlungHistorischerTonträger”[“Collection of Historic Sound Carriers”]:
See also:
The basis of the collection of the German Music Archive of Berlin are the publication copies which German music publishers and phonogram producers have to submit to the German Music Archive of Berlin via the German Library. Two presentation copies are sent each time. One of these is forwarded after processing to the Collection of Scores/Sheet Music and Sound Carriersofthe German Library of Leipzig for archiving and usage.
The emphasis of the German Music Archive is the collection defined by law: sound carriers as from 1970 and scores/sheet music as from 1973. The collection of sound recordings with sound carriers such as shellac records, phonograph cylinders and piano rolls dates back to the beginnings of phonogram production in the 19th century.
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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