
In 1849, Robert Schumann and his family, who had fled the revolutionary disturbances in Dresden, and after their stay in Maxen, lodged in Bad Kreischa, situated south of Dresden, between 11th May and the middle of June, presumably at the Sächsischer Hof Hotel which was destroyed in 1860 by a blaze. Kreischa is a community of the District of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge [Saxon Switzerland – Ore Mountains] and is situated south of Dresden in the valley of the Lockwitzbach stream.

In 1997, a Schumann bust was erected at the spa gardens of Kreischa, created by sculptor Heinz Kazzer, which was donated by the Arts and Culture Association “Robert Schumann” Kreischa e.V. [registered association], founded in 1994, and by Kammersänger [
title conferred to singers of outstanding merit] Peter Schreier, honorary member of the Association. This Association is the initiator of the Schumanniade Kreischa [Schumann Festival in Kreischa] taking place every year at Reinhardtsgrimma Castle and the Church of Kreischa.

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