Catalogue of works

Edited by the Robert-Schumann-Gesellschaft, Düsseldorf, and published in 2003 as part of the new general edition at G. Henle Verlag in Munich by Margit L. McCorkle:

Robert Schumann. Thematisch-Bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis
With the collaboration of Akio Mayeda and the Robert-Schumann-Forschungsstelle

Not only according to the opinion of Ernst Lichtenhahn, who reviewed the catalogue of works by McCorkle on 10th of August 2004 in the Neuen Zürcher Zeitung, was this publication crucial for bridging a gap in the research about Robert Schumann, since the elder publications – even Schumann was planning a catalogue of his works in 1847 – were not fulfilling the requirements of a proper comprehensive index anymore. Concerning the works published to Schumann’s lifetime, respectively shortly after, McCorkle obeys the opus numbers, and then she presents smaller categories of works, which – partly before 1856 – were published without opus numbers: "Für alle diese Kompositionen sind nicht nur die Quellen von den Handschriften bis zu den frühen Drucken, sondern auch Daten und Umstände der Werkentstehung auf der Grundlage eines breiten, zum Teil unpublizierten Materials sehr genau erfasst."

A glimpse into McCorkle’s catalogue of works, which also includes a multiplicity of user-friendly register – starting from the index of works by genre, chronological tables of primary publications and first releases and also register of dedication addressees, publishers, copyists and ancestors – reveals also the nowadays depositories in a very detailed way (“Fundortverzeichnis”, p. 981ff), insofar as the works are located in public collections or in private collections that are accessible in matters of science and research. At the same time the record of location indicates in which collections a great stock of Schumann autographs can be found. In Germany, where all in all the biggest stock is located, is worth mentioning:

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn
Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau

The Bibliothèque nationale in Paris, France, and also the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna, Austria, are as well providing a great collection.

Furthermore, the Stifelsen Musikkulturens Främjande in Stockholm, Sweden, and The Pierpont Morgan Library in New York, USA, call more than particular works their own.

For the new edition of MGG (Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik, 2., completely revised edition, 1994 ff.), designed in 28 volumes including two index volumes, Joachim Draheim currently composed related to the article “Robert Schumann” by A. Edler – published as volume 15 of the part about persons (Schoo-Stras) already in 2006 – an index of all the works of Robert Schumann. I am truly indebted to Joachim Draheim and the editorial staff of MGG, as well as Irmgard Knechtges-Obrecht acting as intermediary, that the index of works created by Joachim Draheim was available for the Schumann Portal already before it was officially published and hence is accessible in the new portal for all users. (I.B.)

Among the 41 episodes which were so far presented in the category “Hundert Meisterwerke” (Important works of music history) of the music magazine, can also be found three compositions of Robert Schumann.

(35) Kinderszenen. [ ]

(37) Klavierkonzert op. 54 [ ]

(39) Symphony Nr. 3 ("Die Rheinische") [ ]

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