Articles in newspapers and journals
Contributions to newspapers and journals are not only important indicators of the social significance and acceptance of artistic works, the reception of performances and concerts, the appreciation of academic and also popular literature, the recognition of exhibitions, and so forth, but are also indispensable for the reception history. Robert Schumann himself, in his capacity as long-time publisher and editor of the Neue Zeitschrift fürMusik [New Journal of Music], founded by him and still in existence today,commented in his Journal in numerous reviews, and not only there. He collected many of these himself once again in 1853 for the forthcoming publication of his "Gesammelte Schriften über Musik und Musiker" ["Collected Writings about Music and Musicians"], printed in 1854 by Wigand in Leipzig, with a note saying that "diese gesammelten Blätter, wie sie eine reich bewegte Zeit wieder spiegeln, auch dazu beitragen, die Blicke der Mitlebenden auf manche von der Fluth der Gegenwart beinahe schon überströmte Kunsterscheinung zulenken" ["these collected sheets, whilst reflecting our turbulent times, are also meant to contribute towards steering the views of our contemporaries to some artistic phenomena that have been nearly flooded by the present"], and - relieved by the chronological order - "ein Bild des wachsenden, sich immer mehr steigernden und klärendenMusiklebens jener Jahre vor die Augenführen" ["and to shape an image of the growing and constantly intensifying and crystallising musical life of those years"].
Articles in German-language newspapers, can be searched for via GBI [German Business Information Association]
A search at GBI, the content machine, the e-library of German businesses, allows not only for retrieving articles and contributions to the daily and weekly presses dating further back - of the supra-regional newspapers are represented, inter alia, [the authoritative German papers and magazines] Frankfurter AllgemeineZeitung [Frankfurt General Newspaper], Handelsblatt [Commerce Paper], SüddeutscheZeitung [South German Newspaper], DIE ZEIT [The Time], and DER SPIEGEL [The Mirror] -, but also for finding the most recent publications in the latest issues:
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GBI-Genios is the e-library of German businesses. Searches are free of charge, only documents that are displayed and can then also be printed out, are subject to a fee.
Searches can, of course, also be performed via keywords on conventional search engines or in foreign newspapers, such as The Guardian, Le Monde, The Times (London), and The New York Times.
Whatever I have collected for you in the form of contributions to newspapers and journals in the Schumann Portal, can be found under the heading of Treasure Trove which is constantly updated and expanded, and there, depending on content, under the subheadings of Reviews, Newspaper articles, and Music journals.
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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