„Des Herzens Sonnenschein in Sachsen, er strahlt am schönsten doch in Maxen“ (Hans Christian Andersens Eintrag ins Stammbuch von Friederike Serre)
Fleeing the combat operations between revolutionaries and the military deployed by the state authorities near their house in Dresden, the Schumann family withdrew to Maxen at the beginning of May 1849, a locality wellknown to them, situated about 17 km from the town centre of Dresden, and a place which Robert Schumann evoked as "einer der lieblichsten Orte um Dresden" [one of the loveliest places around Dresden], where they found refuge with the Serre family, a couple they had been friends with since 1837, and settled for a few days in the so-called Doktorhaus [doctor’s house] on the street leading to Wittgensdorf, until their move to Kreischa on 11th May. The Serre family, art-minded people who had acted as patrons of the arts and artists over half a century, namely retired Prussian Major Friedrich Anton Serre and his wife Friederike, maintained a hospitable open house appreciated by numerous artists, both at their town mansion in Dresden and at Maxen Castle, acquired by Major Serre in 1819.
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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