Clara Schumann - Gipsbüste nach dem Marmor-Original von Adolf Hildenbrand (1847-1921)

Clara Schumann, Munich, 1885
Plaster bust after a marble original by Adolf Hildebrand (1847–1921)
Robert Schumann House, Zwickau

Between 17th and 26th September 1885, Clara Schumann spent a few hours every day in Adolf Hildebrand’s workshop so that he could model her. In the course of these sessions, Clara became more and more fond of the sculptor and left the workshop in abundant tears when the bust was completed which otherwise resembled very much the person portrayed. This sympathy was based on reciprocity and Hildebrand even wrote to Clara that she was “ein heiliges Ereigniß” [“sacred event”] to him. 

In 1898, the artist further devised a memorial to Brahm in Meiningen, and in 1908/13, a memorial to Joseph Joachim for the Conservatoire in Berlin-Charlottenburg.

I,B., translated by Th. Henninger

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