[Constantin Schwendler?], Daguerreotype: Clara Schumann with daughter Marie (1850?), Robert Schumann House in Zwickau, 6021-B2d
Of the two extant photographs of Clara Schumann and her eldest daughter Marie (1841-1929), this earlier one has partly been predated back to 1844, although the child in this picture is rather eight than three years old. A letter by Clara Schumann’s mother Mariane Bargiel to her son Woldemar dated 18th May 1850, discovered only recently, refers to daguerreotype photographs of Clara Schumann and her two eldest daughters in Dresden in the spring of 1850. It is likely the present daguerreotype, received in Zwickau in 1926 as part of Schumann’s estate, was taken in that context. The photographer might well have been Constantin Schwendler, born in Zwickau around 1827, who ran a studio for photographs and daguerreotypes in Dresden from about 1850. (Thomas Synofzik, Jan. 2019)
Lit.: Porträts 1994, No. 17, pp. 40f.; Bodsch/Nauhaus 1996, p. 308 (fig.)/354 (anonymous, “around 1844/45”)
According to new research by Dr Thomas Synofzik, who had kindly drawn my attention to the conclusive new dating and also provided me with the text of the above daguerreotype, this photograph, as “traditionally” assumed and in spite of daughter Marie looking indeed significantly older than three, was not taken in Dresden in 1844/45 but in all probability in Dresden in the spring of 1850. (I.B., 10.3.2019)
Translation: Th. Henninger
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