around 1866
Clara Schumann (1819 – 1896) at the age of around 47
Reproduction after a photograph at the Robert Schumann House in Zwickau, around 1866
Clara Schumann in her black widow’s dress which she preferred to wear after her husband’s death, here with a far more “matronly” appearance already than on the images of only few years earlier.
Clara Schumann, Photo, Vienna 1866 by C. von Jagemann. (Robert Schumann-Haus Zwickau).
The autograph notes by Clara Schumann show the theme "Andantino de Clara Wieck" from Robert Schumann's Sonata for Piano F minor, Op. 14
Clara Schumann, pastel (unknown artist) after the photography by C. von Jagemann, Vienna 1866 (StadtMuseum Bonn)
Clara Schumann, Lithography after the photography by C. von Jagemann, Vienna 1866 (Private Collection)".
Marked: "Drawn expressly Brainards’ Musical treasures. W. J. Morgan & Co. Cleveland.“
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