Clara Wieck (1819 - 1896) at the age of 13
Pencil drawing by Eduard Fechner, 1832
Robert Schumann House, Zwickau
Clara is the middle one of the three adorable girls whom the artist Eduard Fechner, living at that time in Paris, immortalised in delicate lines.
Pencil drawing by Eduard Fechner, 1832
Robert Schumann House, Zwickau
This study by Fechner shows Clara (with pinned-up hair) at the piano, with her father and teacher Friedrich Wieck (in “double” execution) bending over her.
Clara Wieck aged twelve
Lithograph by Eduard Clemens Fechner, Paris 1832
Robert Schumann House, Zwickau
Along with some sketches showing Clara with other young girls or with her father in Paris, Fechner, Friedrich Wieck’s brother-in-law, also produced a painting, now lost, of the twelve-year-old child prodigy, that served as the master for a lithograph of which Fechner sent six prints to Wieck.
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