1857 ff., zuletzt 1887 Basel
Clara Schumann traveled to Switzerland for the first time in November and Dec.ember 1857. After concerts in Augsburg and Munich, she gave seven concerts in Bern, Zurich, Basel and Winterthur. After a trip to French Switzerland, Winterthur and St. Gallen in the following year 1862, the pianist returned to Basel for three concerts. One of was performed together with Julyus Stockhausen and Theodor Kirchner, with whom she has played some of Schumann's four-hand piano pieces for four hands op. 85.
Apart from her performance in 1862 in Basel she also gave concerts in Zurich, Winterthur and in Alsace. In 1877 she came Basel for only two concerts and played among other things, the Schumann Piano concerto and the Piano Quintet. In addition, Brahms' String Quartet in B flat major op. 67 and Schumann's 3rd Symphony was performed.
Two years later Clara Schumann linked her appearance in Basel with further concerts in Zurich and Freiburg, whereas she returned to Basel again in February 1880 again for two concerts. In November 1887 she gave her last concert in Basel, where she interpreted again Schumann's piano concerto. Clara herself was pleased with the performance of Schumann's Symphony in D minor at the end of the concert that she "had seldom heard so splendidly." The artist foand hospitable accommodation in the house of the conductor Alfred Volkland, who chaired the Basel Choral Society from 1875 until 1902 and collaborated by order of Clara on Schumann's complete edition. She also stayed with the family Vonder Mühll.
(Julia M. Nauhaus, translated by Katharina Ma)
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