1835, 1854 ff., last 1881 - Hannover

Young Clara Wieck also chose Hannover as place of performance on her first concert tour together with her father. Among five concerts in January and February 1835, she also performed at the court of Viceroy Adolph Friedrich, Duke of Cambridge, whom she presented own compositions and works by Chopin and Herz. In Hannover, Friedrich Wieck asked the famous lithograph Julyus Giere to portrait his daughter. The picture was intended as promotion of Clara and shows her as young virtuosa at the piano. The notes show the finale of her piano concert that was at that time not premiered yet.
It took 19 years until Clara returned to Hannover. This time she came here with her husband: It was the last journey with Robert and was considered as reunion with Johannes Brahms and Joseph Joachim. Latter was employed as concertmaster at the court in Hannover from 1853 until 1868. On 21st of January he gave a concert and performed Schumanns dedicated to himself “Phantasy for violin and orchestra op. 131”. In the same concert, Clara presented Beethoven’s piano concert op. 73 and two smaller plays of Chopin and Stephen heller. Schumann’s symphony in C major op. 120 was the grande finale of this evening. King George V. invited Clara and Robert Schumann, who met him once as crown prince at Norderney, for two evenings at court; at his request, almost exclusively works of Schumann were performed. Later, on 24th of February, the composer committed a suicide attempt.
In 1857 and 1859 Clara Schumann gave two concerts each time, where she performed works of Schumann, Beethoven, Bach and Chopin. Together with Joseph Joachim, she played the so called Kreutzer sonata by Beethoven, their mutual favorite play. Ander Joachim’s conduction Schumann’s Manfred op. 115 was entirely premiered in Hannover in 1865.
Among piano concerts by Beethoven and Schumann, Clara Schumann also interpreted a piano concert by Mozart. The 16th and last concert of Clara Schumann took place on 12th of November 1881, where she again presented the concert by Schumann, shorter compsoings by Hiller and Henselt, two works of Chopin and Mendelssohn’s Capriccio for piano and orchestra. In addition to that also Schumann’s Symphony No. 1 and several of his songs were performed.
(Julia M. Nauhaus, translated by Katharina Ma)
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