1842 Copenhagen

Following the tour to Northern Germany together with Robert from 18th of February until 10th of March 1842, Clara continued her journey to further concerts in Copenhagen. Due to bad weather conditions she strayed aroand between Hamburg, Kiel and Lübeck, before she embarked accompanied by her friend Marie Garlichs.
Arriving in Copenhagen, she went sightseeing, visited balls and festivities, made acquaintance with the poets Hans Christian Andersen, Hejberg and Weyse, as well as with the composers Gade and Hartmann and also gave six concerts in the theatre, at court and in the concert hall.
She was also given the honor of two private audiences with the royal family. Clara gratfully dedicated her Six Songs op. 13 to queen Caroline Amalie. Director Stage and editor Olsen helped her with the organization of the concerts; the ladies Hartmann and Tutein (whom Clara dedicated her scherzo op. 14) admired her. Nevertheless, Clara often felt heartbroken and was aching for her husband and child, whom she could embrace again on 18th of April 1842 in Leipzig.
In November/Dec.ember 1856, Schumann was already Dec.eased, Clara returned again to Copenhagen to succeed with six enthusiastically received concerts and reunited with her friends and admirers.
(Julia M. Nauhaus, translated by Katharina Ma)
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