1832, 1839, 1862, 1863 - Paris
After further stops in Kassel, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Friedrich and Clara Wieck arrived in February 1832 in Paris for a two months stay. Clara performed in various soirees and also gave an own concert. She also performed for the first time together with the singer Wilhelmine Schröder-Devriant, who she not only admired but also soon became friends with. She also met again with Paganini and Mendelssohn and made acquaintance with Chopin.
In 1839 the 19 year old Clara Wieck returned to Paris on her own for a seven month stay. For the first time in her life she had to deal with the entire organization of the concert, which was before the work of her father. Taking over her own management was at some point also a step to prove herself that she can persist as a pianist without the help of her father. Her concerts received very positive reviews, Clara became famous, allthough she didn’t adapt to the dominating French expectations of the audience. By reason of the upcoming legal court case concerning the marriage license, she had to cancel her stay and the conclusive look of the artistic success of this tour could not be taken. Concerning her personal development this trip resulted in the disentanglement of her father and the final devotion to Robert.
23 years later, in 1862, she returned to Paris for the third time. The organizational difficulties from 1839 were forgotten and she was warmly welcomed and even invited to play at the Conservatoire without even asking no doubt that this was a great honour.
In 1862 the concerts of the meanwhile famous pianist were sold out and very successful. On the program were the works of Robert Schumann, his piano quartet in E-flat major op. 44 was received full with enthusiasm by the audience and his songs had to be repeated over and over again. Concerning the financial aspect this journey was again a success, and Clara received a great piano by the company Erard as a present. In 1863 Clara returned to Paris for the last time. She gave three concerts, also the one where her friend Pauline Viardot-Garcia said goodbye to the audience and quit her career as a singer.
(Julia M. Nauhaus, translated by Katharina Ma)
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