1844/1864 Riga

Riga, steel engraving, first half of the 19th century (StadtMuseum Bonn)

At the end of January 1844, Clara Schumann gave three concerts in Riga – a city that did not pleased neither her nor Robert. Both were dissatisfied with their accomodation; Clara considerd Riga having no sense for art and fine education. The concerts were straining, because she had to travel from Riga to three hours distanced Mitau. Besides the works that she also played in Königsberg, she also performed her own scherzi here. In the Matinée musicale that she was giving in 1864, she played Robert’s piano quintet op. 44, his „Schlummerlied“ and Mendelssohn’s Rondo capriccioso. Before she continued her journey to St. Petersburg, she gave three more concerts in Riga that were all very well received. 

(Julia M. Nauhaus, translated by Katharina Ma)

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