Portrait postcards, around 1900 – 1914

Robert Schumann
[Fig. 1]

Robert Schumann

Historic picture postcard with a portrait of the composer
after an original by F. Rumpf, with a facsimile
signature of the composer bottom left.

Publisher/Editor/Series: GG C 9 2500, vor 1914
StadtMuseum Bonn

Robert Schumann
[Fig. 2]

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)

Historic picture postcard after a painting by H. Best 
Publisher: F.A. Ackermann's Kunstverlag Munich, 1906
The picture also appeared as a large four-colour art print 
(S. Giesbrecht, Osnabrück)


Robert Schumann
[Fig. 3]

Robert Schumann 

Historic picture postcard with a portrait of the composer 
after an unlabelled.From a Russian production, 
on the rear side also labelled in French: Union postaleuniverselle
Publisher/Series: 3064 and publisher’s signet at the bottom left picture border, around 1900
StadtMuseum Bonn

Robert Schumann
[Fig. 4]

Robert Schumann

Historic picture postcard with a portrait of the composer 
after an unlabelled original 
Publisher: Kunstverlag Max Sinz, Dresden III. – 4th Series No. 38
StadtMuseum Bonn

Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann

Historic picture postcard with a portrait of the 
composer with the “melancholyair” after the 
well-known daguerreotype of 1850 or the portrait by Bendemann
Publisher/Series: Stengel & Co., G.m.b.H., Dresden 49009, around 1910
StadtMuseum Bonn

Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann

Historic picture postcard with a portrait of the composer after an unlabelled original 
Publisher/Series: GG C 9 6145, before 1914
StadtMuseum Bonn

Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann

Historic picture postcard with an image of the composer 
after a well-known contemporary portrait of 1850 and 
imprinted greeting“Greeting from ... to ....” including biographical details 
of Robert Schumann
Publisher/Series: VereinigtePapierwaaren-Fabriken S. Kroioschin 

Series M No. 406, before 1914
StadtMuseum Bonn

Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann
Postcard, labelled ETG 2003, around 1900
StadtMuseum Bonn

This portrait which, judging by the hairstyle, posture and clothing, undoubtedly goes back to the lithograph by Kriehuber of 1839 (cf. Contemporary portraits), although with Robert Schumann’sface looking somewhat chubby compared to the original, adorns a postcard sold internationally, featuring, along with the facsimile signature of Robert Schumann, the first notes and text line of a song of his composed after a poem by Heine: “Ich grolle nicht ...” [“I do not chide you…”].

Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann

Historic postcard with the composer’s silhouette.

After a signed original by W. B(ithorn)
Publisher/Series: F. A. Ackermann’s Kunstverlag Munich. 
– Series 661: W. Bithorn, 12 Komponisten-Silhouetten [12 composers’ silhouettes].
StadtMuseum Bonn


(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)

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