Charcoal drawing, 1859
Robert Schumann
Charcoal drawing by Eduard Bendemann, 1859
RobertSchumann House in Zwickau
Eduard Bendemann who, together with his wife, belonged to the inner circle of friends of the Schumanns, took advantage of a visit by Clara Schumann to Dresden to request her for one of the daguerreotypes of Robert Schumann made in Hamburg in 1850 showing the artist with his head supported by this hand, so that he could produce a portrait drawing of her late husband. With the much softer traits of Robert Schumann produced by Bendemann compared with the photographic original, Bendemann's drawing, a counterpart to a portrait made by Clara Schumann after the living original, served the topos of Schumann as a melancholic Romanticist who is immersed in himself. In its reproduction as a heliography as from the 1870s, this picture motif rapidly gained distribution and also attracted many imitators.
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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