Commemorative sheet, 1866

Erinnerung an das 43. Niederrrheinische Musikfest

Commemoration of the 43rd Lower Rhenish Music Festival 
in Düsseldorf on 21st& 22nd May 1866
Commemorative sheet of 1866
Beethoven House Society, Bonn

On this commemorative sheet, Robert Schumann occupies one of the six outer vignettes of the sheet, the other ones being filled with portraits of Mendelssohn, Bach, Handel, Gluck, and Beethoven, which was a way of paying respect to the late composers whose works were the centre point of the music festival. The persons showing inside the ornamental frame were protagonists of the music festival. The place of honour in the middle is reserved for Jenny Goldschmidt who, under her maiden name of Jenny Lind, not only captured the Danish storyteller Anderson as the "Swedish nightingale", but also created a furore in concert halls all over the world. A few concerts of Clara Schumann who, like her husband, was on friendly terms with Jenny Lind, only became box-office successes after the singer performed at them! Clara Schumann was, of course, as much represented at the music festival as the singer Julius Stockhausen and the conductor Julius Tausch, the one-time Düsseldorf rival of Robert Schumann . 

(I.B. translated by Thomas Henninger)

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