
Marktplatz mit angrenzenden Häusern
[ Fig. 1 ]

Leipzig – Market place with surrounding houses
Steel engraving, around 1840
(StadtMuseum Bonn)

The sheet shows the market place in Leipzig at the time when Clara and Robert Schumann got married and moved into their first apartment in September 1840 (Inselstraße 18).

Altes Gewandhaus
[ Fig. 2 ]

The old conservatory of music in the courtyard of the Altes Gewandhaus in Leipzig, where Schumann was appointed as teacher for composing, piano and score playing in 1843. Image based on a water color originating from the 19th century. In: W. Gertler, Robert Schumann 1810 – 1856. Sein Leben in Bildern, Leipzig 1936.

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