
Blick auf Bonn von Endenich
[ Fig. 1 ]

View on Bonn from Endenich, 1856
Steel engraving by T. A. Prior on B. Foster
(StadtMuseum Bonn)

This ist he view of Bonn that Robert Schumann had, spending the last years of his life in the asylum of Dr. Richarz in Endenich. Clearly visible the foreground is Poppelsdorf Palace and the Bonn Minster. During his first stay in Bonn in 1851, Robert Schumann visited the Beethoven monument at the Münsterplatz, erected in 1845. During his stay in Endenich, Schumann often went for accompanied walks to Münsterplatz with its Beethoven monument.

Erster Grabstein auf dem Grab von Robert Schumann
[ Fig. 2 ]

First gravestone on Robert Schumann’s grave
Photography based on water colored drawing, around 1860
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau

This gravestone ornated the honorary grave of Robert Schumann at the Old Cemetery in Bonn until the today’s gravestone was built up. The previous one was embedded later in the chamber tomb of the new monument.

Das Schumanndenkmal auf dem Bonner Friedhof
[ Fig. 3 ]

The Schumann monument at the Old Cemetery in Bonn
Original photography from 1884 (albumin copy)
(StadtMuseum Bonn)

After the initiation of the art-minded mayor of Bonn, Leopold Kaufmann, Robert Schumann received a honorary grave at the Old Cemetery in Bonn, which Clara Schumann – deceased 40 years after her husband’s death – chose to be her permanent site. The funerary monument, commissioned decades after Robert Schumann’s death by Adolph Donndorf, was inaugurated on 2nd of May 1880 in attendance of Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms and Joseph Joachim within a Schumann festival.

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