
Jean Paul-Denkmal Stahlstich
[ Fig. 1 ]

Bayreuth – square with Jean Paul monument
Steel engraving, around 1830
(StadtMuseum Bonn)

Die Rollwenzelei Stahlstich
[Fig. 2]

Bayreuth - Die Rollwenzelei
Steel engraving, around 1830
(StadtMuseum Bonn)

After graduating from high school, he signed up at the University of Leipzig and met Clara Wieck, 9 years old, for the first time. In April 1929, he went on a journey (“Mulusreise”) with his friend Gisbert Rosen. One of the first and for Schumann very important stops was Bayreuth, where he visited the places that reminded him of his favourite poet Jean Paul
(“Jean Paul still occupies the first place for me: I place him above everyone else.”).
In the Rollwenzelei, a guesthouse on the way to the Eremitage, Jean Paul had a room to work.


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