Marie von Lindeman (1818–1903)
Marie von Lindeman, born in Dresden, was almost the same age as Clara Schumann. She became a pupil of Clara in 1848 and was one of the first members of the Choral Singing Society, founded by Robert Schumann in the same year. In a gala concert on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Goethe’s birth on 29th August 1849, she sang one of the solos in the third part of Schumann’s Scenes from Goethe’s Faust. On 17th November 1850, she hosted her own morning performance in which she appeared as a singer (alto) and a pianist.
At that time, she already made a living by giving piano and singing lessons. In 1852, Marie von Lindeman wanted to follow the Schumanns to Düsseldorf, but Clara Schumann advised her against it. After her pupil had convinced herself of this during a shorter stay, she remained in Dresden. At the age of only 30, Marie von Lindeman developed cataract and she chose to undergo surgery in 1854. Nevertheless, her eyesight deteriorated considerably and finally she went blind, so that she was no longer able to find any employment.
From about 1850 until her death, she lived together with her friend Louise Wießner, who was of great support to her and also ran errands for Clara Schumann. From 1870, Marie Lindeman was a successful author. The friendly contact with her former teacher continued until the latter’s death. 64 letters of Clara Schumann to her friend in Dresden have been preserved, in which she tells about her concerts and her children (published in: Alltag und Künstlertum. Clara Schumann und ihre Dresdner Freundinnen Marie von Lindeman und Emilie Steffens. Erinnerungen und Briefe nach den Quellen, edited by Renate Brunner, Sinzig, 2005, Schumann-Studien Sonderband 4). At the request of the Englishman Frederick Niecks, Marie von Lindeman penned her memories of Clara and Robert Schumann.
(J.M.N., translated by Th. H.)
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