Available commercially/on the market
On www.buchhandel.de you can find out about titles and editions available, that is, which ones can be ordered and purchased from bookshops. By entering "Schumann, Robert" or "Robert Schumann" in the search screen, along with books of any genre.all printed music editions available on the book market,inter alia,are displayed as well. You can, of course, also enter other keywords that are related to titles of compositions by Robert Schumann or his circle of friends and colleagues, by which, however, the number of titles listed will be increased many times. Other options are enquiries at online shops, such as Amazon, or - for antiquarian books - at the Central Inventory of Antiquarian Books (www.zvab.de).
Robert Schumann is focused on, inter alia, at Schott Musik International [www.schott-music.com], especially with the Complete Robert Schumann Edition (RSA): http://www.schott-musik.de/shop/. Alongside, Schott also handles the "Schumann Research" series: http://www.schott-musik.de/shop/
Schumann is further given great attention at publisher G. HenleVerlag (www.henle.de) which, inter alia, regularly publishes new urtext editions of Robert Schumann's works, (http://www.henle.de/de/suche/), at publisher Verlag Dohr (www.dohr.de) which since 2008 has also been selling an edition of Schumann's letters, taking into consideration the correspondence between Robert and (!) Clara (http://www.dohr.de/autor/), and at publisher Studio-Verlag (http://www.studiopunktverlag.de/) which sells the Schumann Studies (http://www.studiopunktverlag.de/reihe_schumannstudien.php).
Important publications on the subject of Schumann can further be found at publisher Laaber-Verlag (http://www.laaber-verlag.wslv.de/), and at publisher J.B. Metzler Verlag,
cf. https://www.metzlerverlag.de/index.php
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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