Books, essays, contributions, etc., on the subject of Robert Schumann since year of publication 1856 up until year of reference 1989, although with omissions and not covered in full, in:
Frank Munte, Verzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums über Robert Schumann 1856-1970 [Listing of German-language literature on Robert Schumann, 1856-1970].
Appendix: Schrifttumüber Clara Schumann [Literature on Clara Schumann], Hamburg: Wagner, 1972, 151 pages.
Frank Munte’s listing, although partly intermittent and containing some errors, still represents the most comprehensive summary on this subject.
The book has been exhausted in the book trade for quite some time now, but can occasionally be found in antiquarian bookshops ( ) and is, of course, stocked by all the larger libraries or music libraries for perusal or lending.
Correspondenz (= Mitteilungen der Robert-Schumann-Gesellschaft Düsseldorf e. V.) [Correspondence (= Reports of the Robert Schumann Society of Düsseldorf,Registered Association)]:
CorrespondenzNos 3 (1985) - 8: Schumann-Bibliographiefür die Jahre 1973-1979 [Schumann Bibliography for the Years 1973-79] and CorrespondenzNos 14-24: Schumann-Literatur der Jahre 1980-1989 [Schumann Literature of the Years 1980-89].
Since 24th January 1980, on the occasion of the first meeting of members, the reports of the Robert Schumann Society of Düsseldorf have been published for the first time in magazine format under the title "Correspondenz". The naming of the magazine recalls the collection of the same name by Robert Schumann, of all letters addressed to him, which he had had bound in 28 volumes during his time in Düsseldorf. Since the issue of Correspondenz No. 3 (1985), the issues have also included, in irregular order, a Schumann bibliography covering the years 1973-89:
Correspondenz Nos 3-8 (arranged by Ulrich Tank): Schumann-Bibliographiefür die Jahre 1973-1979
Correspondenz Nos 14-24 (arranged by Thomas Synofzik): Schumann-Literatur der Jahre 1980-1989.
You will find the Schumann bibliography for the years 1980-89, drawn up by Thomas Synofzik for Correspondenz Nos 14-24 and supplemented by some explanations, in the below Word file which Thomas Synofzik kindly made available to me for the Schumann Portal:
Download: "Bibliography 1980-1989"
A compilation of the most relevant Schumann literature since 1856 has been undertaken in 2005 by IrmgardKnechtges-Obrecht for the article "Robert Schumann" by A. Edler in volume 15 of the persons section (Schoo Stras) of the edition in 28 volumes, including 2 index volumes, of MGG (DieMusik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik[Music in History and the Present. General Encyclopaedia of Music], 2ndcompletely revised edition, 1994 ff.). I am extremely grateful to Irmgard Knechtges-Obrecht and the editorial staff of MGGfor providing me with the bibliography drawn up by IrmgardKnechtges-Obrechtfor the Schumann Portal, allowing me to make it available to all interested visitors to the Portal.
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
Download: "Knechtges-Obrecht:Selected Bibliography"
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