Available commercially
Another search option for available sound and image carriersis http://www.musicline.de or, more extensive for the area of classical music, http://www.allmusic.com. It is certainly always worth comparing prices for sound carriers as per the offers from different online mail order companies (e.g.,http://www.amazon.de or http://www.ebay.de), although for these, postage needs to be added. A meta search option for the stocks of the most important sound carrier businesses and scores/sheet music shops is provided by the Music Business Directory on http://www.musikbranchenbuch.de.
A good overview of sound carriers that are still available is further offered by:http://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/artistgenre/Robert+Schumann/15968552
Exhausted sound carriers can occasionally be found in specialised antiquarian bookshops. For this, it is worthenquiring, inter alia, on ( www.zvab.de ).
CD tips on Robert Schumann are also offered, inter alia, by KLASSIKA. Die deutschsprachigen Klassikseiten [The German-language Classical Pages], where, by entering "Robert Schumann" under the heading of "Komponisten" ["Composers"] on http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/Schumann/wv_gattung.html, recordings of individual works, as far as available, but detailed up until 2009 only, can be found and a good overview is provided, with exact details of titles, record labels and the years of publication, and also excerpts from reviews in themagazines of FonoForum, Stereo, Klassikheute [Classical Music Today], stereoplay, Audio, Opernwelt [Opera World], etc., as well as from the BBC Music Magazine.
On http://www.rondomagazin.de/kritiken_suche.php?kritiken_suche=Schumann&klassik_jazz_id=1&submit=suchen, you will find all the reviews that have been published about recordings of the music of Robert Schumann in "RONDO. Das Klassik& Jazz Magazin [RONDO.The Classic & Jazz Magazine] over the past years.
Audio CDs also cover, of course, audio books, readings, recitations, etc., of which the following are a few examples:
- CorinnaHesse: Das Schumann-Hörbuch - Leben in der Musik.
Eine klingende Biografie von Corinna Hesse - mit zahlreichen Zitaten von Schumann und seinen Zeitgenossen sowie über 50 Musikbeispielen [The Schumann Audio Book Life within Music. A Vocal Biography by Corinna Hesse, with Numerous Citations of Schumann and His Contemporaries and with over 50 Music Examples]. (Published by Silberfuchs-Verlag Hören und Wissen.
ISBN: 978-3-940665-17-1.
CD, runtime 80 mins with over 50 music examples of Schumann, artistically designed supplement (16 pages), chronology and numerous coloured illustrations,
cf. www.buchhandel.de - Vera Forester: Ich möchte lachen vor Todesschmerz "Robert Schumanns letzter Weg". Ich geh‘ beseligt heimatwärts" Schumanns Düsseldorfer Schaffen [I Would Like to Laugh from Mortal Agony "Robert Schumann’s Last Path". I Am Going Homeward Blissful "Schumann’s Work in Düsseldorf". Narration by Lutz Lansemann and Michael Rotschopf, instrumental soloist: Thomas Günther. AudioCD, published by Cybele, 2005,
ISBN: 3-937794-02-6.
Cf. www.buchhandel.de - Große deutsche Schauspieler. Szenen und Monologe von Lessing, Robert Schumann, Heinrich Heine, Georg Traklu.a. [Great German Actors. Scenes and Monologues by Lessing, Robert Schumann, Heinrich Heine, Georg Trakl, etalii], AudioCD, published by Airlift, 2003,
ISBN: 3-89849-648-1.
Cf. www.buchhandel.de
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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