Grand piano by Grotrian-Helfferich-Schulz/Th. Steinweg Nachf., Braunschweig 1871
This 256 cm long grand piano with serial number 1295 was a present by the Braunschweig piano manufacturing company, as mentioned in a dedication inscription inside with the following wording: “Speziell für Frau Professor Clara Schumann angefertigt. Braunschweig 1871” [“Specially manufactured for Mrs Professor Clara Schumann. Braunschweig 1871”].
Since that time, she preferred the Grotrian-Steinweg instruments which she further recommended to family members, friends and acquaintances, and since 1878, also to the Dr. Hoch Conservatoire where she worked as a teacher. Clara Schumann appreciated the ease of playing, the resonance, and the possibilities of tonal nuances.
The piano, once privately owned in Brussels, ended up in Tokio and is held as of late by the Musashino Academia Musicae Foundation in Tokio.
Cf. the “Clara Schumann 1819-1896” catalogue, Bonn 1996, edited by I. Bodsch and G. Nauhaus, p. 391, catalogue no. 218, figure 169 on page 187.
(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)
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