The Old Cemetery in Bonn with the Schumann monument
Bornheimer Straße
53113 Bonn
Bonn Cemetery Administration
Tel.: 0049 (0)228 - 77 42 56
Photograph: Bonn Municipal Museum
(D. Herzog)
Robert Schumann, who died at the Sanatorium of Dr Richarz in Endenich on 29th July 1856, received an honorary grave in the Old Cemetery in Bonn at the instigation of Bonn (Lord) Mayor Leopold Kaufmann in 1856, where Clara was also laid to rest in 1896, that is, forty years later.
The tomb of Robert and Clara Schumann with the monument by Adolf Donndorf, which was donated by friends and admirers and unveiled in 1880 within the scope of a Schumann Festival in the presence of, inter alia, Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms, can be visited daily until sunset, that is, March to October between 7.00 and 20.00 hrs, and November to February between 08.00 and 17.00 hrs.
Cf. Gerd Nauhaus, “So möge denn dein Bild sich unserem Blick enthüllen”. Zur Entstehung und Einweihung des Schumann-Grabdenkmals in Bonn, in: Bonner Geschichtsblätter 43/44, 1993/94, pp. 341-382.
On the history of the Old Cemetery in Bonn
"The Old Cemetery in Bonn was established in 1715. It was the first cemetery outside the town walls. Today, the facility is located in the town centre and is surrounded by traffic areas and by residential and commercial buildings. In spite of this, today it is still a place of silence and of remembrance. It is a place which reflects the history of the town since the beginning of the 18th century [...]. Numerous celebrity graves as well as graves and monuments of major artists make this Bonn burial place one of the most famous cemeteries in Germany"
Cf. for details:, based on: Edith Ennen, Helmut Hellberg, Walter Holzhausen, Gert Schroers: Der Alte Friedhof in Bonn. Bonn 1981 (out of stock) and also Erika Zander and Jörg Bätz: Der Alte Friedhof in Bonn: Kunst und Geschichte(n). Bonn 2001, ISBN 3-416-02961-5
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