Schuncke, Ludwig (1810 - 1834)

Ludwig Schuncke at the deathbed

Ludwig Schuncke (1810 – 1834) at the deathbed
Drawing by Emil Kirchner, 1834
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau

Ludwig Schuncke, who, like many young people in the 19th century – such as Schumann's youngest son Felix - died of pulmonary tuberculosis in 1834 and was at this time part of the closest friends of Robert Schumann.
The young pianist and composer, who drew Schumann’s attention by his appearance and behavior, came to Leipzig after concerts in Paris in 1833. In Leipzig he was acquainted with Schumann and supported him with the establishment of “Neue Zeitschrift für Musik” and also moved into the same house – Burgstraße 21.
About Schuncke’s death Robert Schumann was deeply hurt: "I would miss all of my friends for this one," he wrote full of sorrow on 19 March 1834 to his mother. Schuncke is dedicatee of Robert Schumann's Toccata op. 7. (I.B.)

[Translated by Katharina Ma]

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