1819–1844 Leipzig

Geburtshaus Clara Schumanns
House where Clara Schumann was born, "Hohe Lilie", Leipzig (figure from catalog Bonn Clara Schumann 1819-1896, 1996, p.10)

Clara Wieck was born on September 13, 1819 in the house "Hohe Lilie" at the Neuer Neumarkt in Leipzig as the second daughter of Friedrich and Mariane Wieck. At the age of four, her father started to train her to become a  pianist. After first performances in private circles, he introduced her to the public in a concert given by the pianist Caroline Perthaler from Graz, in the Leipziger Gewandhaus on October 20th, 1828.

Altes Gewandhaus
Altes Gewandhaus, Leipzig, around 1830 (figure from catalog Bonn Clara Schumann 1819-1896, 1996, p. 10)

On November 8th, 1830, the first own concert of Clara Wieck took place in the Leipziger Gewandhaus. The eleven-year old performed works of herself, her father, Kalkbrenner, Herz and Czerny. She started her first concert tours with her father from Leipzig, and in 1840, she married the compose Robert Schumann. The couple spent their first years together in Leipzig, the daughters Marie and Elise were born here. A lot of people visited them at their residence in Inselstraße 5 (nowadays number 18). Both of them participated in the musical scene of the city and gave distinction to the musical development as well. Clara contributed to it with her piano playing she also gave concerts after her marriage and Robert shaped the conception of music in his publishing of the magazine "Neue Zeitschrift für Musik" and his composing: His symphonies in B-flat major op. 38 and in D minor (later op. 120) as well as one of his most successful works, "Das Paradies und die Peri" were premiered in Leipzig.

Der Konzertsaal im Leipziger Gewandhaus
Concert hall of Leipziger Gewandhaus, before 1850 (figure from catalog Bonn Clara Schumann 1819-1896, 1996, p. 50)

After Clara’s debut in the Leipziger Gewandhaus in 1881, 73 further concerts were given in this very famous concert hall. She also gave a lot of concerts in the Neues Gewandhaus.

(Julia M. Nauhaus, translated by Katharina Ma)

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