Heine, Heinrich (1797 - 1856)

Heinrich Heine at the age of 34

Heinrich Heine (1797 – 1856) at the age of 34
Steel engraving based on the famous painting by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim from 1831
StadtMuseum Bonn

The first and only personal encounter between Heine and the young student Robert Schumann took place on 8 May 1828 in Munich, where Heine was hoping (in vain) for a professorship at the university. Schumann's visit to Munich was embedded in a journey that had led him after graduation from school and beginning of his law studies in Leipzig to Bayreuth and Augsburg together with his friend Rosen. The acquaintanceship with Heine, of whom Robert Schumann set a lot of poems to music, was introduced by the actor Carl Krahe. Heine's completely against all fears friendly accommodating - he even invited Schumann and Rosen to his apartment - gave Robert Schumann hope for a closer relationship. But it was the only personal contact. In 1840 Heine even did not reply to the consignment of the Song Cycle op. 24, which was even provided with a covering letter by the composer, despite the fact that nine of his poems were the inspiration for it.

(I.B., translated by Katharina Ma)

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