Dorn, Heinrich Ludwig Edmund (1804 - 1892)
Heinrich Ludwig Edmund Dorn at the age of 28
Drawing, around 1832
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau
Heinrich Dorn was from 1829 until 1832 theatre music director in Leipzig and in 1831/32 he was for a few months also the (unpopular) counterpoint teacher of Robert Schumann: "I will never come along with Dorn; he wants me to make me think music is a fugue." From June 1832 onwards, also the 13 year old Clara Wieck was a student of Dorn, who was back then only 28 years old. On 28th of April 1832, she donated him as a “grateful student” an Albumblatt of a song on a text by Justinus Kerner and which is the earliest preserved handwritten sample. (I.B.)
Heinrich Dorn (1804 – 1892) at the age of 50
Steel engraving with handwritten signature by Dorn, around 1854
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau
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