Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus
Hoffmann, E(rnst) T(heodor) A(madeus) (Königsberg, 1776 – Berlin, 1822)
Engraving on a drawing by Hoffmann
Hoffmann's works were since 1819 Schumann's favoritelecture. In 1831, he noted in his diary that he "constantly" reads in the "Hoffmann" and that for him "new worlds "become accessible. Hoffmann's "Doge and Dogaressa" even inspired Schumann to an opera idea, a project that actually resulted in an opera libretto that is still preserved. Inseparably connected with Hoffmann's work is the "Kreisleriana" op. 16 from 1838. (I.B.)
(Translation: Katharina Ma)
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