Clara Schumann née Wieck (1819 – 1896)

Clara Schumann geborene Wieck

Clara Schumann née Wieck (1819 – 1896)

This picture is based on the photography of an oil painting by the painter Carl Ferdinand Sohn, destroyed in World War II.. The oil painting was dedicated as a Christmas gift to her husband, Robert Schumann, in 1853. The surprise worked out in a more or less different perspective as wished by Clara: She liked the portrait, but Robert considered it as “frappant”, literally translatable as striking. He considered this painting as unusual and of a kind where one first has to find the sense. But beyond dispute he wrote to R. Härtel on January 3, 1854, that “everyone, who saw this painting, admired it from the beginning”.

Carl Ferdinand Sohn was a famous and accepted portrayer and from 1838 to 1855 and from 1859 to 1867 he was teaching as a professor at the Düsseldorf Academy of Arts. Sohn belonged to the opening committee that welcomed the Schumanns at their arrival in Düsseldorf on September 2, 1850.
The new Clara Schumann sites were compound in 2007/2008 to a large extent by Dr. Julia M. Nauhaus on order of the Schumann Network for the Schumann web portal. If the essays are without any identification marking, then they originate from project manager Ingrid Bodsch, who is also in charge for the illustrations and the arrangement of visual and textual contents. (I.B.)

Translation: Katharina Ma

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