Marie Schumann (1841 - 1929), daughter

Cp. Latterly: Ute Bär, „Sie war die einzige der Schwestern, die ein lebendiges Bild des Vaters in ihrem Herzen bewahrte …“. (She was the only one of the sisters, who kept a living picture of her father in her heart…”.) In rememberance of the 80th anniversy of death of Marie Schumann. In: Die Tonkunst, Heft 4, 2009, p. 495 ff.

Marie and Julie Schumann as young ladies
[fig. 1]

Marie (1841 – 1929) and Julie Schumann (1845 – 1872) as young ladies
Photograpohy, around 1865
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau

The eldest and the third daughter at the age of approx. 24 and 20 years.

Marie Schumann at the age of approx. 30 years.
[fig. 2]

Marie Schumann (1841 – 1929) at the age of approx. 30 years.
Eldest daughter of Robert and Clara Schumann
Photography, around 1871
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau

Marie, who already delighted her father in the years of childhood because of her “jovial and vivid personality”, was the closest to her parents and lived until Claras death with her mother. Marie also took care of Clara’s students and assisted her in her teaching activity at the Dr. Hoch consveratorium in Frankfurt

Front side of the Chatlet Schumann in Interlaken
[fig. 3]

Front side of the Chatlet Schumann in Interlaken, which was built by Marie Schumann in 1897. She lived here until she died in 1929.
Photo: Walter Müller.

Garden side of the Chalet Schumann in Interlaken.
[fig. 4]

Garden side of the Chalet Schumann in Interlaken.
Photo: Walter Müller.

After the death of her mother Clara Schumann, Marie bought a plot of land in 1897, situated in Interlaken, Switzerland. This site was linked with a lot of memories of Clara and also Robert got to know this place as a young man in 1829. In the year of purchase, Marie ordered the construction of a chalet - the construction plans are still preserved -, where she lived until her death on 14th of November 1929. Her youngest sister Eugenie, who lived not far from here in Matten with her partner Marie Fillunger, was often visiting this chalet and her sister.
After the death of Marie, Eugenie had also to deal with the death of Marie Fillunger. She sold the until today preserved „Chalet Schumann“. Marie was burried at the cemetery Gsteig. In the same grave also Marie Fillunger and Eugenie Schumann found their eternal peace.
Cp. Walter Bettler: Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann und ihre Töchter Marie und Eugenie in Interlaken, 1994. I owe notice repsectively a copy of this  private print (only 800 exemplars published in Matten) Walter Müller, Swiss Schumann friend.


[Translated by Katharina Ma]

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